I'm just having a look at my 2005 New Year's Resolutions, and almost everyone of them ended up as the opposite, which is largely how I intended them.
More Chocolate in 2005! was an attempt to give up chocolate by eating more. And it worked. I ate so much chocolate in the early months of 2005 that I think I've become allergic to chocolate by the end of 2005, so now I don't eat any or drink it. Fantastic Tony, well done! Other 2005 resolutions;
2005 Resolutions
1. More Chocolate
2. Longer meetings!
3. More chocolate!!
4. Less food More Food!
5. More Cycling/Windsurfing
6. More holidays
7. More Blogging
8. More Improv
9. More time with Annie
I've blogged less, done no Improv, forgot about longer meetings, eaten the same amount of food as I always eat, cycled a bit, not windsurfed at all (but that wasn't a literal resolution), not been on holiday, and we now have a pool of babysitters, so Annie and I do spend more time together. So all in all, my resolutions have mostly come true and how I wanted and expected them.
And so to 2006. Getting Things Done. Yes, partly following the book, and it's something I want to help more people with this year. I think how we manage our lives, especially with information overload, is a big thing, and even if I can't get it right for myself (Ha Ha!) I can help others, who can then help me.
2006 Resolutions
1. GTD. Work, Home, Network, Money,
2. Health. I think this can be solved in one event. Drink more water!
3. Cycle/Windsurf. When it's windy windsurf, when it's not windy, cycle. This applies to life.
4. Family. I'd like to help teach Georgie to read, this year. And more sport with Jay.
5. Tablet. Take notes in meetings on my Tablet, with MindManager (and maybe learn OneNote).
6. Fun. Go-Kart, Beach, Improv, Football, Ski/Snowboard, Annie.
7. MP3. Listen to more, maybe create more.
Oh, and one more thing.
8. $15Million!
p.s I've used Performancing, a Firefox add-on to create my first 2006 Typepad weblog entry.
Have just picked up Perfomancing myself - look forward to trying it out.
I notice you've mentioned MindManager a couple of times - have you tried FreeMind (an opensource mind mapping tool)?
Posted by: Ric | Thursday, January 12, 2006 at 10:50 PM