How very interesting. Pesticide Parkinson's Link Strong
There is strong evidence that exposure to pesticides significantly increases the risk of Parkinson's disease, experts believe.
It comes as another study, published in the BMC Neurology journal, has made the link to the neurological disease.
The US researchers found those exposed to pesticides had a 1.6 times higher risk after studying 600 people.
Experts said it was now highly likely pesticides played a key role - albeit in combination with other factors.
This starts to point in Mark Purdey's direction. Who is Mark Purdey? He's the guy who suggested that Mad Cows Disease may have come from pesticide, by causing a high manganese and low copper environment. And he was then starting to look into other neurodegenerative diseases which may each have a high/low mineral signature. Alas, Mark Purdey died in 2006, but watch out for his legacy which may end up being one of the greatest medical breakthroughs. Not bad for an organic farmer.
Imagine if the causes of diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, BSE/CJD each had an identifiable mineral signature, and hence could be prevented. It makes sense doesn't it? What I don't know, is if these diseases have become more prevalent over the last hundred years, and can they be linked to the change/increase of minerals in the environment. And finally, can someone prove the mineral signature of each disease? There are hints of it say for Alzheimer's with Aluminium bad and Zinc good, just as Manganese bad and Copper good with BSE (Mad Cow's Disease). But they're not solidly proven yet, and may only be a co-factor in the cause.
It's a simple and elegant theory, I've been following for years, since I found out about Mark Purdey and his theories.
We need to get the word out, and perhaps create an alliance of like-minded folks to SHARE THE CAUSE and find out what we can do about UNSEEN KILLERS wreaking havoc on our bodies. Jump on this bandwagon and follow this initiative of forward-thinking scientists, doctors and passionate individuals on a mission to share a SOLUTION to our body's POLLUTION. Watch and know that this will benefit even the next generation.
Posted by: Eugenio G. Alcazaren, M.D. | Sunday, June 01, 2008 at 09:02 AM
I do really agree in your posted topic that pesticides are the main reason of having a Parkinson's Disease.
Posted by: Joy Hudson | Sunday, August 03, 2008 at 09:47 PM