My productivity for 2009 has been shocking!
Partly because I have some very big issues to sort out, which can be kinda distracting, and it makes it very difficult for me to concentrate at times. Consequently, most of my good productivity systems collapsed in 2009. My MindManager mindmaps, my Weekly Review, my capture tools and filing (not that my filing was ever any good!).
What I’m most struck by is the difficulty in planning and setting aside time for the thing I most want to do, Podcast. Why is it, we have our dreams and we don’t fulfil them, even when we are able to. I had a good crack at my dreams in 2009, but just couldn’t seem to keep them going. Also, there are some things which happened, including work, which just needed complete narrow focus, to the exclusion of everything else, and sometimes, no time or energy for anything else. And in the latter part of 2009, I really enjoyed my work.
And so to 2010, loaded with my iPhone, my Sansa Clip+ mp3 player, and my Dell Netbook. I’ve stopped using my thin leather pocket Filofax for note capture and diary/calendar. I’m currently using a cheapo spiral A4 book for capture, and no diary system, because my time has been in blocks of months.
Given that I’m on Gmail and iPhone, I think Google calendar and some kind of iPhone note capture would be nice. Today, I’ve just created a simple shopping list on a Google Docs spreadsheet, and my Actions in columns, on another Google Docs spreadsheet, so that I can view them easily from my iPhone. I’m having a play with a few iPhone productivity Apps but nothing has hooked me yet. Dan Bricklin’s Note Taker to finger write notes on the iPhone, Evernote, iThought mindmaps, and gCalWall which produces a photo of your Google calendar and puts it up as the wallpaper. Not long before that will be automatic.
My main obsession right now is listening to podcasts and audio books rather than producing podcasts and audio books! One may lead to the other.
Every decade for me has been significant in terms of moving onto the next decade, but this time, 2009 feels like it’s dribbling into 2010!! Is it just me or did decade ends used to me more exciting! And so, my productivity is dribbling into 2010!!