Since that's what I think about most of the time, I might as well write about it as well. I was prompted by this entry, Disruption in the Food Industry, from one of my favourite weblogs. It's about how Kraft are struggling, with the change in eating habits of the consumer, and the major supermarket chains making it more and more difficult for the big food suppliers.
And it set me thinking about my eating habits, which have evolved over the years.
Up until about 1988, I'd eat anything, and lots of it. Probably because I was playing so much sport. I could burn it up. And I was young. And then with all this F-Plan dieting stuff around, I had a read of the Scarsdale Diet, and I still realise that most diets are pretty much the same, which is, eat less and lower your calorie intake and do more exercise. It's hardly rocket science. The question to solve, is what to do when you feel hungry, and this is where the diet books all differ.
Some fill you full of sawdust (F-Plan)
Some fill you full of fat (Atkins)
Some fill you full of fruit
Some fill you full of veg
Some tell you to eat less, Fat or Carb or Protein or Sugar or Grains
Some tell you to reframe your hunger (Allen Carr's EasyWeigh)
Some give you useful things to stop you thinking or eating food (Joe Mercola's No-Grain Diet with EFT)
But really it's all down to eat less than what you are eating (in calorific terms) and exercise more.
Whatever you're eating now, eat half of it. Simple really.
Of course I have a vast knowledge of health and diets, it's one of my pet subjects. If only people knew how much I know, as they scoff this and that, and talk about this and that diet or food. But I keep quiet.
I also don't practise, what I used to preach, so what's the point!!
Recently I was ill for a few weeks, with a cough and aches. I lost my appetite for a few days, which gave me an opportunity to get off the tea (and I don't drink coffee). Tea in itself isn't so bad (except for the headaches I was getting from not having tea!!), it's just that the tea set me up for wanting "Cake". Cut the tea, and I cut the cake!! So with no tea, I'm left only drinking, lemon and honey with hot water (just like my grandmother who lived until she was 93), green tea with roasted rice, and bottled water. Oh I can't resist one or two strong hot chocolate drinks when I'm having meetings in cafés each day, which tends to negate all the good I'm doing.
In the morning I have a Matzos, heavily buttered, and a banana. I'm not saying this is good and healthy, but it fills me up, and you know what, feels right. I've moved back to butter from margarine, over the last few years, figuring they're both as bad as each other, with margarine being more unnatural and therefore worse. I might also have an apple, or more Matzos. And a hot honey and lemon drink. I tend to have a hot chocolate drink during the morning, or a Peppermint tea, and at lunchtime I nearly always have two sushi rolls (a cooked tuna, and raw salmon) and a Miso soup, and maybe a bottle of water. Afternoon will probably be 1-2 Green Teas with roasted rice, maybe another Hot Chocolate if I have a meeting, and an apple or banana if I'm hungry. So far so good.
But then I get home and that's when it starts to go wrong!! I'll eat what Annie's cooked, which is usually a stir fry with meat/tuna and veg/rice, perfectly healthy, but I crave for something sweet after that, which usually ends up with biscuits ( a few custard creams this week) and then some dried apricots, and then an orange. And a Green Tea or Honey and Lemon drink.
What's clear to me is I don't drink enough water, which I was doing a few weeks ago. I'm not exercising at all, except for the walk to the trains. And I tend to snack more things at the weekend.
All in all I'm doing well, right now, and I've cut the cakes (except for the biscuits), I drink well (except for the Hot Chocolates and not enough water), and my cholesterol was rising a few months ago, but it's dropped back to normal (whatever normal is?).
Most eating is common sense, and we each know intrinsically what foods agree with us and what disagrees with us. I know right now that breakfast is working for me. It feels right. In fact the only things I'd change right now are, cut the Hot Chocolates, cut the evening biscuits, and drink more water.
Here are 10 top tips from everything I know and have learnt over the years. I of course don't follow or practise any of these:
1. Don't eat after 8-00pm,
2. Drink lots of water
3. Eat fruit, preferably organic
4. Fill yourself up with green veg (not rice or corn or potatoes)
5. Eat less
6. Reframe why you eat and what hunger is (see Allen Carr's EasyWeigh)
7. For most people, cut the Carb and Sugar, but not in an Atkins obsessive way
8. Fat people don't necessarily eat more than thin people
9. If something rots quickly, then it's good for you (Cut Apples, Avocados, Bananas), if it doesn't rot quickly then not even the bacteria like it.
10. Eating less has significantly more effect than, exercising more
Oh no, I'm beginning to sound like a diet book or magazine article. I'll stick to looking after myself and not practising what I preach, just like all the best experts and gurus.