Not much! We’re using one car, to save money, as much as to save the planet. I use less water in the shower when it’s summer, but use the shower to warm me up when I’m chilled to the bone. I don’t police the rest of the family on their water and energy use, and I’m not religious about unplugging all those electric chargers, or powering off all items on standby. I sometimes leave my laptop on when I go out (but I do switch it off at night). I could survive at near freezing temperatures in the house, but it seems the rest of the family can’t! Our biggest sin, is keeping our old refrigerator working, having bought a new refrigerator 2 year ago. Oops.
My greatest achievement this year was to organise a tour for a group of people of the CH2 building in Melbourne. It was the first 6 Green Star rated building in Australia, and an inspiration to what is possible in sustainability. Designed by Mick Pearce. I highly recommend a visit and tour of the building, if they’re still doing the tours. At least I’m inspiring others, when not being a leading example of sustainability!
I love being on my bike, and using public transport. The bike lanes of Melbourne could be improved and grown, sometimes at very little cost. There is massive demand and growth for cycling. Public transport in Melbourne….don’t get me started! That’s another blog entry. We who use and want to use public transport more and more, want to see improvement.
We understand that there are only so many trains you can fit on the network at peak times but surely there can be some big innovation at low cost. I’ll give you an innovation. If you’re going to pack us into the trains, then please can we have some more handles and straps to hang on to! Surely, seat layout, and standing safety can be improved, even with the current trains. Me thinks that the public transport price rise, is straight 101 economics to reduce demand by putting prices up and making more money in the process.
We all say we want better public transport, but this government won’t pay for it. Why aren’t tramlines extended beyond their current endpoint? Just another thought.
So what is my green commitment for 2009. More cycling, less water in the shower on cold days, and I’d like to a few seminars that encourage change and sustainability in the corporate world, especially at the grass roots.