Hey, why is this Evolution of Dance, so disappointing, when compared to this? (other than the fact you need effing Explorer to run the first video!)
There's something about the context of Judson Laiplly's dance on the stage in the second video, and the fact that he looks and moves like Colin Mochrie,
that makes it so compelling to play again and again. The NBC interview and dance, ruins the mystique.
I've been thinking why the Chinese Boys - That Way, is so good.
Again there's something about the context, the raw passion, the guy in the background, the broken arm!, the innocence, the Rocket Shirts, the cross swaying, but most of all, I think it's because it's two Chinese guys being very animated in a "Western" way, something you don't expect.
It's the unexpected that attracts, even if you watch it time and time again.
Numa Numa is also compelling time and time again. Why?
(Just reading about Numa Numa on Wikipedia and it's interesting that Gary Brolsma claims he derived it from this Japanese Flash Animation of Numa Numa)
Imitation of the Chinese Boys, Numa Numa, and even the Chinese Boys doing other songs, don't quite hit the mark. Why?
Funnily enough, I explained it myself in my own brilliant(?) writing a few years ago, The Meaning of Life.
The Wassup and Flat Eric adverts weren't made for the products they advertised, the products found them, and set the context for them becoming funny, just as sad imitations of some great viral videos, lose the context.
Which brings me back to why I don't watch TV anymore. It's shit!
Predictable drivel, out of context.
Except for House!
I spend more time watching YouTube than I do watching TV.
A Wank I Think! (of course you need bloody Explorer to see the context (and an understanding of English humour)).