So I started having a look at a few Eurovision songs, present and past, and I think I've spotted the defining moment when Eurovision went Poo Poo Pee Pee and then Boom Banga Ding Dong. It's Luxembourg's 1965 entry. Listen and watch the first time, and you wonder what the hell it is.
Play it a second time and you're hooked! It's fun, it's trivial, it's throw-away, and I think it took Eurovision out of the serious 50s, because for some reason Eurovision has never followed the trends of the day. I mean mid-60s had had lots of Elvis and Beatles by then, but not in Europe it seems!! Go check the previous winners before '65.
So there's your Poo Poo Pee Pee, which 2 years later became Puppet on a String with Sandie Shaw. It's uncanny that they're both singing about puppets, and the orchestral arrangement is similar and has the same hooks. And Poo Poo Pee Pee Puppet becomes Boom Bang-a-Bang. And then the Puppet becomes a Jack-in-the-Box!
And if you let evolution take it's course, this is what you end up with 20 years later. If your jaw doesn't drop at this one, and you don't laugh out loud, then you must be Swedish!!
Oh and a bonus thought, it's only after time that you realise some songs sound rather similar. Save All Your Kisses For Me. And this one. Remarkable. I never noticed it.
And then allow another 30 years and this is where we are now, Stick Magnetic Ribbons on Your SUV!