I've been trying to put an audio player in Typepad.
This Typepad recommended player works. Just one problem, if you open this blog page or the front page of the blog which has the player, all the links in the players start to open. In other words, every time you go to this blog page, if I have a 40MB file I want you to listen to, it starts to download when you go to the page. That's a lot of downloads and bandwidth, which neither you nor I can switch off. The song file I've enclosed is only 500KB but even that's quite a load.
Typepad just seem to shrug their shoulders and say that's how it is or suggest a third party player.
And yet how come in WordPress there's a flash player which only starts to download if you click on the play button. Here it is.
The bonus is that it doesn't create an enclosure, which is best left to having a download link "Click here to download"
All it took was a Google search to find Mr Black and White's Audio Test, a link to Mindy McAdams at Macloo for the instructions, and a download of the flash player from 1 Pixel Out. Thanks for nothing Typepad.
I've been a Typepad user almost from the start in 2003. Maybe I'm getting itchy feet. Trying to set up and design a new blog/website in Typepad is very easy. There's a good reason for that. The templates are very basic and a variation in 1,2, or 3 columns. And don't shrug us off with claiming an amazing number of templates, which are just a variation in colours and font, and maybe a banner, but what about something a bit more flexible like Laurel Papworth's wordpress blog, which has 3 x blog entries and then a change in column width. Too much for us Typepad users to code, but why not have some templates like that. Gone are the days of serial long blogs. We need to fit more onto a single page in a magazine style.
Come on Typepad. Market leader. You'll lose that soon.